2024 CDMI Virtual Fall Symposium
October 16, 2024
Welcome to our annual Fall (Virtual) Symposium of the Center for Disruptive Musculoskeletal Innovations (CDMI) taking place on October 16, 2024. Our symposia are great opportunities to devote serious thought to how we can leverage our collective resources along with our Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to better address musculoskeletal disorders in new and creative ways, fostering discussions between IAB members to validate shared sector needs and helping to define pre-competitive research projects that are shaped by university expertise and values.
Please join us to hear updates on current projects from faculty and trainees, and interact with Industry Advisory Board members. This year's event will be held virtually. The agenda will be posted to our webpage soon.
Download the flyer

Please contact Kaitlin Yee (kaitlin.yee@ucsf.edu) with any questions.