University of California, San Francisco
The Value of Multilevel Fusions for Spinal Deformity
Evaluation and Treatment of Adult Spinal Deformity: Skull to Sacrum Presentation: Complication in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Rate, Impact and reasons for revision and Outcomes and Value Optimization in Adult Deformity Surgery- Cost Consideration- Improving Outcomes and Durability
SH Berven, North American Spine Society, 2015
Outcomes in Adult Deformity Surgery: What Happens to those Patients Who are Lost to Follow-Up?
Beckerman D, Sharf T, et. al., North American Spine Society Annual Meeting: Boston, MA. The Spine Journal. 16(10) Suppl.: S349–50, 2016
Beckerman D, Sharf T, et. al., Annual Meeting of ISSLS: Singapore, Podium presentation, 2016
Oral Research Presentation at the International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Washington DC, July 2016
E-poster Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2016.
Theologis AA, Miller L, et. al., Spine, PMID: 26909838, 2016
Appropriate Surgical Procedures in Older Patients with Spinal Deformity: A Comparison of Surgical Approaches
Hohenstein N, Verma K, et. al., Oral Research Presentation at ISSLS, Singapore, SG, May 2016
Comparative Analysis of Three Different Surgical Strategies for Adult Spinal Deformity with Moderate Sagittal Imbalance Society for Minimally Invasive Supine Surgery
J. Bae; AA. Theologis; et. al., Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Annual Forum; Las Vegas Nevada Oct 13-15, 2016
The Value of Multilevel Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity: A Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes and Cost of Care
D. Beckerman; M. Callahan; et. al., North American Spine Society Annual Meeting, Poster 130, Boston, 2016
Consistency of Direct Cost Reporting across Regional Deformity. Centers in the U.S.
A. Avramis; S.H. Berven; et. al., International Spine Study Group, Abstract 278, North American Spine Society, Boston, 2016
Why Safety Really Matters to All Stakeholders? and Deformity Surgery is Cost Efficient with Demonstrated Health Benefits
SH Berven, Annual Cabo Meeting: State of Spine Surgery Think Tank Presentation, Cabo San Lucas, 2017
The Value of Multilevel Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity: A Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes and Cost of Care.
Beckerman D, Berven S, et. al., Global Spine Congress, Milan, 2017
Screening Perilacunar Remodeling to Identify Novel Therapies to Improve Bone Quality Integrated in vivo and in vitro High-Throughput Analyses of Osteocyte-Mediated Bone Remodeling
Osteocyte-Driven Perilacunar Remodeling is Impaired in Glucocorticoid Induced Osteonecrosis
Fowler TW, Acevedo C, et. al., American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Abstract 182, 2016
Novel Role of TGF in Osteocytes: Regulation of Perilacunar Remodeling and Bone Quality
Dole NS, Mazur CA, et. al., Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, Abstract 32, New Investigator Recognition Award, 2017
Osteocyte Intrinsic TGF Signaling Regulates Bone Quality through Perilacunar Remodeling
Dole NS, Mazur CA, et. al., American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Denver, Abstract 1141, Young Investigator Award, 2017
Dole NS, Mazur CA, et. al., Cell Reports, 21:2585- 2596. PMID: 29186693, 2017
TGF Regulation of Osteocytic Perilacunar Remodeling is Crucial for Maintaining Bone Quality
Dole NS, Mazur CM, et. al., Orthopaedic Research Society International Musculoskeletal Biology Workshop, Sun Valley, ASBMR Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Award, 2017
Glucocorticoid Suppression of Osteocyte Perilacunar Remodeling is Associated with Subchondral Bone Degeneration in Osteonecrosis
Fowler TW, Acevedo C, et. al., Scientific Reports. 7:44618. PMICD: PMC 5361115, 2017
Assessment of Spinal Balance and Range of Motion using the Kinect Motion Analysis System
Impedance Spectroscopy to Monitor Fracture Healing
Lin MC, Herfat ST, et. al., PMID: 26737448., Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc , 5138-41. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319548, 2015
Using Impedance to Track Fracture Healing Rates in Mice in vivo: A Pilot Study
Lin MC, Hu D, et. al., PMID: 29060219. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Jul;2017:1724-1727, 2017
Assessment of Spinal Balance and Range of Motion using the Kinect Motion Analysis System
Curran P, Beckerman D, et. al., Global Spine Congress: Milan, 2017
Dynamic Sagittal Balance Associates with Patient Reported Disability in Adult Spinal Deformity Population
Bailey, JF; Curran, P; et. al., Orthopaedic Research Society, Abstract 1689, 2018
Bailey, JF; Curran, P; et. al., ISSLS Annual Meeting, Banff, Podium presentation, 2018
Development of Novel Impedance Sensor to Monitor Fracture Healing
Impedance Spectroscopy to Monitor Fracture Healing
Lin MC, Herfat ST, et. al., Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, and Conference Proceeding IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 5138-41. Podium presentation and manuscript, PMID: 26737448, 2015
Novel Impedance Spectroscopy Device Detects Fracture Progression in Mice.
Lin MC, Yang F, et. al., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society: Orlando, Podium Presentation, 2016
Impedance Measurements Correlate to Callus Maturation of Mice Tibia Fractures
Lin M, Yang F, et. al., Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting: National Harbor, Podium presentation, 2016
Lin MC, Hu D, et. al., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society: San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
Using impedance to Track Fracture Healing Rates in Mice in vivo: A Pilot Study
Lin MC, Hu D, et. al., Annual Int'l Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society: Jeju Island, and Conference Proceeding IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. Podium presentation, manuscript. PMID: 29060219, 2017
Smart Bone Plates Can Monitor Fracture Healing
M. Lin, D. Hu, et. al., Scientific Reports 2019. PMID: 30765721, 2017
Enhancing Endplate Permeability to Treat or Prevent Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Identification of the Compositional Traits and Permeabilities of the Cartilage Endplate that are Required for Nutrient Transport and Disc Cell Survival
Wong J, Ouyang A, et. al., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society: San Diego, Podium Presentation, 2017
Wong J, Ouyang A, et. al., Spine Research Symposium: New Horizons in Intervertebral Disc Research, Podium Presentation, 2017
Disrupting the Tumor Matrix for Increased Nanoparticle Drug Penetration
Dolor A, Lee S, Szoka F., Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network. Lawrence, Podium presentation (awarded), 2016
Enhancing Permeability with Liposomal MMP-8 to Treat or Prevent Disc Degeneration.
Dolor A, Fields A, Szoka F, Gordon Research Conference: Matrix Metalloproteinases. Biddeford, Poster Presentation, 2017
Dolor A, Sampson S, Lotz JC, Szoka FC, Fields AJ, Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2019
Dolor A, Sampson SL, Lazar AA, Lotz JC, Szoka FC, Fields AJ, PLoS One 2019. PMID: 30970007, 2019
Wong J, Sampson SL, Bell-Briones H, Ouyang A, Lazar AA, Lotz JC, Fields AJ, Journal of Biomechanics, PMID: 30554819, 2019
Wong J, Sampson SL, Bell-Briones H, Ouyang A, Lazar AA, Lotz JC, Fields AJ, Osteoarthritis Cartilage, PMID: 30721733, 2019
Osteobiologic Products used to Enhance Bony Fusion
Variability in Bone Graft Substitute Utilization and Cost in Short-Segment Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Sing DC, Metz LN, UCSF Center for Healthcare Value's Improving Value Together Forum: San Francisco, Poster Presentation, 2017
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound as a Novel Therapy for Disc Repair and Reduction of Disc Degeneration
Development of a Custom LIPUS System with Uniform Far-Field Exposure and Demonstration of LIPUS-Induced Increase in Collagen Synthesis in Annulus Fibrosus Cells
Horne D, Jones P, Adams M, Lotz JC, Diederich C, Focused Ultrasound International Symposium. Reston, Published, 2018
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Far-Field Exposure Increases Matrix Synthesis in AF Cells
Horne D, Jones P, et. al., The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting: Kyoto, 2019
LIPUS Far-Field Exposimetry System for Uniform Stimulation of Tissues in-vitro: Development & Validation with Bovine Intervertebral Disc Cells
Devante Aaron Horne, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, Volume 6, Number 3
Analysis of the Cause of Pseudarthrosis in Multilevel Spinal Fusions
Spinal Infections and Pseudarthrosis, AOSpine Master Series
Gussus Y, Beckerman D, Jain N, Berven S, AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections, Chapter 18. (Book Chapter), 2018
Infection as an Etiology for Pseudarthrosis in Multilevel Spinal Fusions
Ibrahim J, Beckerman D, Tenorio A, Racine L, Burch S, Berven S, ISSLS Annual Meeting, Research Presentation, Banff, 2018
Beckerman D, Ibrahim J, et., al., North American Spine Society Annual Meeting, Oral Presentation, Chicago, 2019
High-Throughput Screening for Osteocyte-Mediated Bone Remodeling (OMBRE) Regulatory Compounds
Validated Analysis of Osteocyte-Mediated Bone Remodeling using in vivo Methods
Yee CS, Schurman C, et. al., American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, Abstract SUN-0671, 2018
TGFβ Regulation of Perilacunar/Canalicular Remodeling is Sexually Dimorphic
Dole NS, Yee CS, Acevedo C, Mazur CM, Alliston T, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, 2018
Neha S Dole, Cristal S Yee, et. al., Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, PMID: 32282961, 2020
Investigating Osteocytic Perilacunar/Canalicular Remodeling
Yee CS, Schurman CA, White CR, Alliston T, Current Osteoporosis Report, PMID: 31227998, 2019
Mazur CM, Woo JJ, et. al., Bone Research, PMID: 31700695, 2019
Methods in Molecular Biology
Tamara Alliston, Skeletal Development and Repair (2nd Edition), Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, (Book Chapter), 2020
Predictive Modeling for Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Surgery for Lumbar Degenerative Pathologies and Spinal Deformity
Outcomes of Complex Spine Surgery in Elderly Patients
Ibrahim J, Racine L, Beckerman D, Burch S, Berven S, Oral Presentation, Global Spine Congress, Singapore, 2018
Outcomes and Quality of Life Improvement After Multilevel Spinal Fusion in Elderly Patients
Ibrahim J, Singh P, Beckerman, D, Hu, S, Tay, B, Deviren, V, Burch S, Berven S, Global Spine Journal, PMID: 32206514, 2019
Predictive Modeling of Readmission, Reoperation and Clinical Outcomes at 2 Years after Spine Fusion Surgery/Identifying Risk Factors for Pseudarthrosis
Cost Analysis of Single-Level Lumbar Fusions
Beckerman D, Esparza M, et. al., Global Spine Journal, PMID: 32002348, 2020
Reachable Workspace
Functional Workspace and Patient-Reported Outcomes Improve after Reverse and Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
A Ngan, W Xiao, et. al., Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, PMID: 31281000, 2019
Quantifying Longitudinal Changes in Shoulder Function After Shoulder Arthroplasty
Matthew R, Wu S, Elorza S, Friedman J, Aung M, Ma C, Bailey J, Feeley B, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, under review,
Reachable Workspace and Proximal Function Measures for Quantifying Upper Limb Motion
R Matthew, S Seko, G Kurillo, R Bajcsy, L Cheng, J Han, J Lotz, Journal of Biomedical And Health Informatics, PMID: 32340969, 2020
Wearable Activity Sensors and Patient Reports Outcomes in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Nested RCT
JT Patterson, HH Wu, CC Chung, I Bendich, JJ Barry, SA Bini, Arthroplasty Today, PMID: 32211478, 2020
University of Toledo
Alterations in Segmental Stability with Differing Lumbar Interbody Cages, including Expandable Cages: An in vitro and Finite Element Investigation
Expandable Cages Effectively Stabilize the Spine Better than TLIF Cage
Kodigudla M, Desai D, et. al., Annual Meeting of The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine: Seoul, 2014
Biomechanical Performance of PLIF Standalone Expandable Cages is Better than TLIF Cage in Stabilizing the Spine
Kodigudla M, Agarwal A, Agarwal AK, Shahraki N, Schultz C, Goel VK., World Congress on Biomechanics: Boston 2014
Sudershan S, Forstat K, et. al., Annual Meeting of The Orthopaedic Research Society: Orlando, 2016
Position and Material of the PLIF Standalone Expandable Cage don't Alter Constructability: A Cadaver and Finite Element Study
Sudershan S, Kodigudla M, et. al., Annual Meeting of The Orthopaedic Research Society: Orlando, FL, 2016
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Cages with Different Shapes do not Affect Endplate Stress Location but Affects Stress Magnitude: A Finite Element Study
Sudershan S, Agarwal A, Goel V., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society: San Diego, CA, 2017
Biomechanics of Fusion with Lag Screws Placed across Adjacent Vertebral Bodies Compared to Traditional Pedicle Screw Fusion Approach
Lag Screws Placed across Adjacent Vertebral Bodies Stabilize the Segment Similar to Traditional Pedicle Screws
Kodigudla M, Sudershan S, et. al., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society: San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
Unicortical and Bicortical Lateral Plate Fixation Offer Similar Stability and Load on the Endplate but Pedicle Screw Fixation offers Better Stability and Load Reduction: A Finite Element Study.
Sudershan S, Agarwal A, Goel V., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, 2017
Development of a Computational “Worst Case” Device Performance Tool for Use in Evaluating Orthopaedic Implant Device Design Envelopes: ACL Graft Pilot
Determination of Muscle Force and Joint Loading in a Simulated Jump Landing Task using AnyBody
Summers R, Vaddamani V, et. al., Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
Development of a Low Cost and Minimally Invasive Growth Rods (for Lengthening)
Vosoughi A, Dick D, Agarwal A, Agarwal AK, Goel V. 2017. Development and evaluation of a low-cost minimally invasive growth rod for juvenile scoliotic patients. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017.
Vosoughi A, Kiapour A, Agarwal A, Goel V. 2017. Three-dimensional correction of the juvenile scoliotic spine: Finite Element study. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
Prevention of Bacterial Infection during Spinal Fusion
Lin B, Caldwell C, Bhaduri S, Goel V, Agarwal A. 2017. Development of an antibacterial polymer incorporated calcium phosphate-based cement for surgical prophylaxis. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, 2017
Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Minimally affects Adjacent Lumbar Segment Motion: A Finite Element Study
Jouka A.S. Shah A, et al., Biomechanical differences between male and female sacroiliac joint: A Finite Element study. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
Amin Joukar, Ali Kiapour, et. al., Sacroiliac joint fusion minimally affects adjacent lumbar segment motion: A Finite Element study. European Spine Journal Manuscript pending publication.
A. Kiapour, A. Joukar, et. al., Biomechanics of the Sacroiliac Joint: Anatomy, Function, Biomechanics, Sexual Dimorphism, and Causes of Pain. International Journal of Spine Surgery, 14(Supplement 1), pp. S3–S13, PMID: 32123652, 2020
Tapered Reduction of Cement Volume in the Proximal Vertebrae Adjacent to the Fused Segment may Translate into a Decreased Rate of Posterior Junctional Kyphosis
Zavatsky J, Shah A, et. al., Reduced rate of proximal junctional fractures above long-segment instrumented constructs utilizing a tapered dose of bone cement for prophylactic bertebroplasty - A biomechanical investigation. Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research: Dubai, Podium Presentation, 2017
Shah A, Zavatsky J, et. al., Reduced rate of proximal junctional fractures above long-segment instrumented constructs utilizing a tapered dose of bone cement for prophylactic vertebroplasty - A biomechanical investigation. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, Podium Presentation, 2016
Shah A, Zavatsky J, McGuire R, Serhan H, Goel V. 2016. Does the location of prophylactic vertebral cement above long-segment fusion constructs affects endplate stress: A Finite Element Model. Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research: Dubai, Global Spine Journal, Vol 6, GO172, Poster Presentation, 2016
Shah A, Zavatsky J, et., al., Location of injected cement in proximal vertebrae adjacent to the fused segment will effect the Posterior Junctional Kyphosis: A Finite Element study. Annual Meeting of The Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, Poster Presentation, 2016
Shah A, McGuire R, et. al., Calculation of optimal bone cement dosage and location for prophylactic vertebroplasty during long thoracolumbar fusion to reduce the occurrence of Proximal Junction Kyphosis (PJK) - A Finite Element study. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
TP trajectory technique for thoracic pedicle screw placement improving accuracy and reproducibility
Lonner BS, Ren Y, et. al., Transverse process trajectory technique a new pathway to the thoracic pedicle m the deformed spree. Annual Meeting of The North America Spine Society, Chicago, Poster Presentation, 2015
Lonner B, Verma K, et. al., The transverse process trajectory technique as an alternative method for thoracic pedicle screw implantation: A radiographic and biomechanical analysis. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, Poster Presentation, 2017
No-touch packaging system for pedicle screws
Agarwal A, Lin B, Wang JC, Schultz C, Garfin SR, Goel VK, Anand N, Agarwal AK. 2018. Efficacy of Intraoperative Implant Prophylaxis in Reducing Intraoperative Microbial Contamination. Global Spine Journal. 2018 Jun 12:2192568218780676.
Agarwal A, Schultz C, Goel VK, Agarwal A, Anand N, Garfin SR, Wang JC. 2018. Implant Prophylaxis: The Next Best Practice Toward Asepsis in Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal. 2018 Apr 24:2192568218762380.
Agarwal A, Schultz C, Agarwal AK, Wang JC, Garfin SR, Anand N. 2018. Harboring Contaminants in Repeatedly Reprocessed Pedicle Screws. Global Spine Journal. 2018 Jun 25:2192568218784298.
Agarwal A, MacMillan A, et. al., A Paradigm Shift Toward Terminally Sterilized Devices. Clinical spine surgery. 2018 Aug 1;31(7):308-11.
Agarwal A, Anand N, et. al., Reducing Bacterial Dose During Instrumented Spine Surgery: A Clinical Study on a Novel and Effortless Method. Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society: Los Angeles, 2018, Podium Presentation.
Agarwal A, MacMillan A, et. al., Unintended Practice of Delivering Contaminants to Patients through Implants. 32nd Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society: Orlando, Podium Presentation, 2017
Agarwal A, Lin B, et. al., Avoiding Unnecessary Contamination of Implant-Bone Interface: A multi-center study. Annual Forum ’18 of Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Las Vegas, Podium Presentation, 2018
Agarwal A, MacMillan A, et. al., Prevalence of Contaminants on Reprocessed Implants. Annual meeting ’18 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: New Orleans Poster Presentation, 2018
Agarwal A, MacMillan A, et. al., The Socioeconomic Impact of Terminally Sterilized Devices. Annual meeting ’17Congress of Neurological Surgeons: Boston, Poster Presentation, 2017
MacMillan A, Brodsky M, et. al., SSI Risk Reduction Techniques in Spine Surgery. Annual meeting ’17 Congress of Neurological Surgeons: Boston, Poster Presentation, 2017
Agarwal A, Anand N, Karas C, Wang JC, Agarwal AK, Garfin SR. 2018. "Sterile Implant" Really "Sterile" After Intraoperative Handling? 3rd Annual Safety in Spine Surgery Summit: New York City, NY (April 2018). Poster Presentation
Pedicle Screw Handling during Surgery Contribute to Bioburden and Potential Approaches to Reduce Rate of Infection in Patients
Agarwal A, Schultz C, Goel VK, Agarwal A, Anand N, Garfin SR, Wang JC. Implant Prophylaxis: The Next Best Practice Toward Asepsis in Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal 2018. PMID: 30443488.
Agarwal A, Lin B, Wang JC, Schultz C, Garfin SR, Goel VK, Anand N, Agarwal AK. Efficacy of Intraoperative Implant Prophylaxis in Reducing Intraoperative Microbial Contamination. Global Spine Journal 2019. PMID: 30775210
Agarwal A, MacMillan A, et al., A Paradigm Shift Toward Terminally Sterilized Devices. Clinical spine surgery. Clin Spine Surg 2018. PMID: 29912733.
A. Agarwal, B. Lin, et. al., Updates on Evidence-Based Practices to Reduce Preoperative and Intraoperative Contamination of Implants in Spine Surgery: A Narrative Review. Spine Surg Rel Res 2019. PMID: 32405555
Agarwal A, et al. Implant Retention or Removal for Management of Surgical Site Infection After Spinal Surgery. Global Spine Journal 2019.
Clinically Relevant Finite Element Technique Based Protocol to Evaluate Growing Rods for Early Onset Scoliosis Correction
Shekouhi N., Dick D., Baechle M. W. , Kaeley D. K., Goel V. K., Serhan H., Rawlinson J., Shaw D. Clinically relevant finite element technique based protocol to evaluate growing rods for early onset scoliosis. JOR Spine. Pending publication.
Kaeley D.K., Baechle M. W., Shekouhi N., Dick D., Serhan H., Goel V. K. Finite element based test protocol to evaluate growth rods used in pediatric scoliosis patients. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Shekouhi N., Dick D., Baechle M. W. , Kaeley D. K., Goel V. K. Finite element based test protocol to evaluate the effect of distraction on growth rods spanning over multiple spinal segments for pediatric scoliosis patients. ORS Annual Meeting, Feb 2020.
E. Ruskin1, P.P. Coomar, P. Sikder, and S. B. Bhaduri. Magnetic Calcium Phosphate Cement for Hyperthermia Treatment of Bone Tumors. Biomimetics. Manuscript pending publication
Anoli A. Shah, Amey Kelkar, Manoj Kodigudla, Anand Agarwal, Robert McGuire, Jasmine Serhan, Joseph M. Zavatsky, Vijay K. Goel. Optimal Tapered Dose and Location of Vertebral Bone Cement May Reduce Proximal Junctional Kyphosis (PJK) by Reducing Adjacent Endplate Stresses in Long Segment Instrumentation Models - A Finite Element (FE) Study. PJK FEA. Manuscript pending publication.
Y. Kumaran, A. Shah, et. al., Paraspinal Muscle Atrophy in Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Adjacent Segment Degeneration: A Comparative Finite Element Analysis of Open and Minimally Invasive Surgeries. European Spine Journal. Manuscript pending publication.
Bench Top Protocol to Evaluate Growth Rods in a Plastic Vertebra Model-Resubmission
Shekouhi N, Kelkar A, Dick D, Goel VK, Shaw D. Current benchtop protocols are not appropriate for the evaluation of distraction-based growing rods: a literature review to justify a new protocol and its development. European Spine Journal 2022. PMID: 35092449.
Effect of Spinopelvic Instrumentation on Acetabulum Orientation from Standing to Sitting Position
Mumtaz M, Mendoza J, et. al., A Comparative Biomechanical Analysis of Various Rod Configurations Following Anterior Column Realignment and Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy. Neurospine Journal 2021. PMID: 34610690.
Investigating the effectiveness of Discure® treatment using ex-vivo porcine intervertebral disc culture
Kanan M, Eby O, et. al., Electrical Stimulation-Mediated Tissue Healing in Porcine Intervertebral Disc Under Mechanically Dynamic Organ Culture Conditions. Spine Journal 2022PMID: 35102117.
Satellite rod configuration (in-line v. lateral) and screw type (monoaxial v. polyaxial) spanning a lumbar pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO): a biomechanical evaluation
Shekouhi N, Vosoughi AS, et, al,. Biomechanical comparison of multi-rod constructs by satellite rod configurations (in-line vs. lateral) and screw types (monoaxial vs. polyaxial) spanning a lumbar pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO): is there an optimal configuration?. European Spine Journal 2022. PMID: 35932334.
Sara Sadeqi, Ph.D. - internship at the FDA under the NSF INTERN program
Sadeqi S, Baumann AP, Goel VK, Lilling V, Sullivan SJL. A Validated Open-Source Shoulder Finite Element Model and Investigation of the Effect of Analysis Precision. Ann Biomed Eng. 2022. PMID: 35882682.
The Ohio State University
How Well Can Field Single-Axis Force Measurements Characterize Handle Hand Forces During Push-Pull Turning?
Halle L. Harris, Eric B. Weston, William S. Marras. Manuscript submitted for review
Dynamic Joint Motions in Occupational Environments as Indicators of Injury Risk
Jonathan S. Dufour, Alexander M. Aurand, Eric B. Weston, Christopher N. Haritos, Reid A. Souchereau, William S. Marras. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 37:163-203, 2021. PMID: 33690164.
Ergonomic Considerations when Slotting Piece-Pick Operations in Distribution Centers
Steven A. Lavender, Sun Chunyi, Yilun Xu, Carolyn M. Sommerich. Applied Ergonomics, 97:1-13, 2021.
Eric B. Weston, William S. Marras. Applied Ergonomics, 88:1-8, 2020. PMID: 32678789.
Muscle Recruitment during Simulated Piece Picking Tasks Commonly Performed in Distribution Centers
Steven A. Lavender, Chunyi Sun, Carolyn Sommerich, Proceedings of the HFES 64th International Annual Meeting, 64(1):964, 2020.
Improvement of Push/Pull Force Assessments Using a Single-Axis Force Gauge
W. Gary Allread. Applied Ergonomics Conference, January 9, 2020.
Northeastern University
Using nanoscale surfaces to alter medical device surface energy
B. Saleh, A. Vernet-Crua, et. al., NanoSUS (Ultra Fine Grained Stainless-Steel) for Orthopedic Implants. Presented at the ORS start-up competition (receiving honorable mention), 2019. Abstract.
B. Saleh, C.B. Garcia, et. al., NanoSUS (Ultra Fine Grained Stainless-Steel) for Percutaneous Spinal Injection. Presented at the TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) Start-up Competition, 2019. Abstract.
A. Vernet, S. Kelkar, et. al., Nano SUS (Ultra Fine Grained Stainless-Steel) for Orthopedic Implants. To be presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Conference, 2020. Abstract.
Ada Vernet-Crua, Bahram Saleh, Caterina Bartomeu-Garcia, Katayoon Kalantari, Yohei Suzuki, Yusa Fumie, Takafumi Komatsu, and Thomas J. Webster. Novel ultra-fine-grained stainless steel for implantable medical devices. Biomaterials 2020. Manuscript.
S. Kelkar, B. Saleh, et. al., Nano SUS (Ultra Fine Grained Stainless-Steel) for Orthopedic Implants. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Conference (virtual: November 16 – 20) 2020. Abstract.